"I’m suffocating and you keep spinning.
Where is this earthly joy that you pour from the breathing?
My brain is scattered and overwhelmed, I can’t keep up with you.
Do you find this amusing, are you enjoying your strings?
I’m lost, screaming from the inside, barely scratching the surface.
Yet you keep going, torturing and pushing me through the mirrors.
My lungs are deflated, my body feels defeated, ah give me a single breath, please.
Your scent follows, clinging to me, not a single moment of silence.
You’re like a train, blazing fast and full of graffiti.
I’m trembling, holding my head in my hands, trying to understand.
Where does your relentless nature come from?
I want a break, I need you to back off, please..please slow down.
I beg of you, on my knees, alone in the dark, for just a second.
What is your power? You’re like a drug I have to love, never getting enough.
The tornados you produce, the furry and heartbreak you bring..
Why can’t you stop this? Must I be tortured forever?
Forever wanting you, forever needing you, doing anything to keep you.
And that’s just it, you are necessary, you are begged for daily.
Please, don’t go, I subconsciously enjoy your catastrophe...It’s exquisite."
-Amy Edelman-
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